Descriptive Reflection

Dear Professor Blackstone,

I am Yi Han and I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you. I took aerospace technology back at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, with a specialization in aviation management. I first took an interest in engineering through my curiosity about how things operate and the principles behind how things work. This interest stemmed from my liking for cars and motorcycles, which I went online to search for the specifications and went on YouTube to watch videos related to 

I would say that my communication strength is my ability to be able to jump into any topic that my partner is interested in and discuss our views on it. Even if I do not know much about the topic, I am willing to learn about what they are interested in and keep an open ear, asking questions to gain more knowledge. For example, if my partner is talking about the NBA which I am not familiar with, I would listen to him talk about it, asking questions along the way to get to know more about what the NBA is about. On the other hand, my weakness when it comes to communication is I like to crack jokes in between conversations to make things more light-hearted. Through my experience in communicating with others, some people would appreciate the action of making things light-hearted as the conversation will be more fun and lively. However, some people dislike this as they have no interest in cracking jokes. Regarding this, I would work on being more sensitive to telltale signs at the start of the conversation to judge what kind of communicator they are.

Through this module, I hope I can come out as a better thinker, in a way that I can analyze on a deeper level, think critically, and look at a situation from multiple perspectives Another thing that I hope I can take away from this module is to have the ability to speak in an effective, concise manner. It means to be able to articulate my thoughts and the rationale behind my conclusion to a certain topic or subject to the other party without being long-winded. I aim to be able to give short and sweet explanations using the correct analogies. 

I feel that what makes me different from others is my fearlessness in doing new things. I might have the usual reservations and fear going on in the back of my mind but I would usually just ignore these thoughts running in the background and just do it. I feel that we should not be too afraid of the worst-case scenarios that we humans have in our heads all the time and be more positive that the situation will not turn out as bad as we thought it would.

Yours sincerely,
Lim Yi Han


  1. Hi Yi Han! I like reading how your interest in engineering started and how you further explained that it fueled your interest in liking cars and motorcycle. I personally enjoy riding and learning about motorcycles too. I also like how when you write about your communication strength and weakness you provide examples which allow the reader to understand fuller.

  2. Hi Yi Han, nice to know you through this letter. I like how you elaborate your strength and weakness in detail. It was a well-written letter with a good flow from the start to the end.

  3. I like the way you mentioned about both your strengths and weaknesses about your communications skills. Being able to spot your weakness even though it is through your goodwill is commendable. Other than that, I also liked your flow of ideas which gave a good self-introduction.

  4. Thanks much, YiHan, for this well focused, clear and concise letter. You provide just the right amount of supporting details to undepin your main points, so that we get a clear sense of who you are. I'm impressed by the way that you weave in the assignment's expected outcomes with a rather easy, open communication style. Maybe this 'tone' even aligns with what you're stating as what makes you unique: Your fearlessness. That really is an important trait to have!

    There are a couple areas in this letter where you might need to do minor editing:

    1. overuseof caps
    -- I took Aerospace Technology back in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, with a specialization in Aviation Management. > ?
    2. sentence structure
    -- Short and sweet explanation with the correct analogies. > (fragment)

    I look forward to learning more form you this term.



    1. Dear Prof, I have amended according to the pointers from you. Thank you for your comments.


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