Research Project and Tech Report Contributions

1. Wrote the background in the tech report

2. Created the google survey for primary research

3. Used ChatGPT for ideas on survey questions

4. Wrote the introduction and features for PlantBonne App

5. Introduced to the group the product name 'PlantBonne'

6. Did secondary research through google, finding out articles introducing plant growing devices that is currently available on the market.

7. In collboration with team members, we came out with the parameters of our product, finalising on what our product will feature.

8. Wrote the final gap and goal.

9. Created and designed the user interface image of the PlantBonne application.

10.  Made edits and changes accordingly to Professor's comments on section introduction paragraphs and better segregation of sections.

11. Wrote the product aspects in the report.

12. Created the presentations slides introducing our product and presented the features.


  1. Thanks much, YiHan, for all the work and for this list of contributions.

    I'm just curious: How did you use ChatGPT for "ideas on survey questions" ? You just prompted it to do so? I guess I'll learn about that in the report.

    1. I asked ChatGPT about what parameters of the options I should include in the survey. For example, in one of the questions in the survey, it asks surveyees what are some challenges when it comes to growing a plant. After giving 2 options of "Consistent watering" and "Relocating plant to get suitable sunlight", I could not think of more and ChatGPT gave me a few more options to consider to add into it.


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